About Us
Our Mission:
"Conquering the Beast of Addiction –Together"
Fight the Beast is an educational organization helping individuals and communities fight against pornography and sexual addiction.
Since founding in February 2021, we’ve reached millions of viewers and helped thousands of individuals in over 31+ countries to reduce their use of pornography and sexual addiction. We offer classes, courses, programs, support groups, free resources, accountability, and coaching for those looking to change their lives and quit for good.
Education and awareness are key for individuals, parents, and youth in the prevention of porn and sexual addiction.
Sexual addictions are difficult to quit without the proper strategy. We provide the strategy and tools to be successful.
Through our online men’s community members help uplift and support one another in recovery to achieve long term results.

Our Tools & Resources:
- Proven Road Map & Strategy for Success
- FTB Workbook & Journal
- Online Course & FREE Weekly Meetings
- Private Coaching & Accountability
- Supportive Men's Community