WHO Warns Against “Porn-demic”: What you need to know….

Original Statement Source: https://endsexualexploitation.org/articles/world-health-organization-sex-addiction-is-real/

Video Transcript HEATHER NIELSEN:

A lot of people today tend to argue that because porn addiction is not formally recognized in the DSM or recognized as a psychological diagnosis, that it’s not a problem or it’s not an addiction, and that couldn’t be further. From the truth. In today’s video, I’m gonna talk to you a little bit about why this isn’t true and the organizations that have spoken out against pornography as a mental and physical health concern, as well as a societal issue.

While magazines and social media content is pushing this idea that masturbation and porn are healthy, we really need to take a look and speak out about the science and the research that has been done.

So this statement right here was from 2018 and it was from the National Center on Sexual Exploitation in Washington.

And they pointed out that the World Health Organization has formally recognized “porn addiction” with the diagnosis: “compulsive sexual behavior disorder”. Right. So even though it’s not in the DSM, it’s not considered by the APA yet, although they are doing research and they are discussing it, and they are looking at including it, even though it’s not in there yet… The World Health Organization has considered it a compulsive behavior disorder, which is the umbrella term for both sex addiction and porn addiction and the like.

And then a quote from Don Hawkins, the Executive Director of NCOSE (**Video mistakenly says: NCSE and its NCOSE) , said, “While some pseudo scientists reminiscent of doctors who encouraged cigarette use in the 1950s, argue that pornography is harmless, science shows otherwise. Neurological tests and peer reviewed research point to the reality of pornography addiction that countless individuals, male and female, suffer from every day.”

It goes on to say, “like other public health issues, not all exposed to have the same response. However, for many pornography consumers repeated exposure and frequent use is correlated to addiction, which can lead to harm such as porn induced erectile dysfunction, divorce or failed relationships, and sometimes sexually aggressive and violent behaviors.”

“The research is clear that pornography use is harmful to the brain. In fact, there are 39 neurological studies consistent with the 280 plus internet addiction brain studies. 280 plus supporting the premise that internet pornography use can cause addiction related brain changes. A 2014 study found that increased pornography use is linked to decreased brain matter in the areas of motivation and decision making, impaired impulse control and desensitization to sexual reward.”

“Further, a 2015 study from Cambridge found that pornography use can drive novelty seeking. So users need more and more extreme content over time in order to achieve the same level of arousal. This is a hallmark of addiction. And then finally, he concludes for 56 years that NCOSE has warned of the addictive nature of pornography.”

“Today we once again call on public health organizations, medical professionals, and elected officials to recognize and combat the public health impacts of pornography.”

I am so tired of hearing people tell me that their doctor said it was a good idea that their therapist said that it was a good idea, they approved it.

Leaders at our national level as well as an international level are calling on people to speak out against the risk factors involved with pornography against the problems it’s causing for mental and physical health, for the problems that it’s causing for children, as well as the entire scope of this sex trafficking industry, which 70% of women who are sex trafficked are used for pornography. And so we really need to take this seriously and stop saying that because it’s not in the DSM it doesn’t matter. It does matter. It’s affecting people’s lives, it’s hurting people’s lives, and it’s leading to individual and social problems.

If you wanna learn more about what we’re doing at Fight the Beast, check us out @ fightthebeast.org and learn about how to recover for yourself, as well as how to help those that you love in recovery. We also really recommend the organization Operation Underground Railroad. If  you’re interested in getting more involved with the fight against human sex trafficking.

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