WHO Warns Against “Porn-demic”: What you need to know….

Original Statement Source: https://endsexualexploitation.org/articles/world-health-organization-sex-addiction-is-real/ Video Transcript HEATHER NIELSEN: A lot of people today tend to argue that because porn addiction is not formally recognized in the DSM or recognized as a psychological diagnosis, that it’s not a problem or it’s not an addiction, and that couldn’t be further. From the truth. In today’s video, I’m […]
How to Get Past Self-Sabotage or “Mental Blocks” in Porn Recovery

Feeling stuck in your goals or problems? You may be self-sabotaging and here’s what you can do about it. Relapse and porn addiction recovery can sometimes feel like spinning your tires in the mud or snow while sinking deeper and deeper. While there may be several reasons for this, including unresolved past experiences and a […]
Why People of Faith Struggle MORE with Porn

Did you know: studies show that people of faith struggle MORE in sexual addiction recovery programs? This fact may come as a shock to some while no surprise to others. A non-religious person might say “well that makes perfect sense! Religion is sexually oppressive and emotionally scarring.” Whereas a Christian or other religious person might […]
How to Block Porn Permanently

If you’re tired of porn and ready to block it for yourself or others in your environment, there are number of things you can do to prevent access to porn. However, if you’re struggling with addiction yourself, in addition to blocking porn, its critical that you also work on overcoming porn for good so that it is no […]
Should you have sex with your spouse during sexual addiction recovery?

Should you still have sex with your wife during recovery? A lot of guys have this question and here are the benefits and drawbacks to both. This video covers reasons why you may want to take a fast or break from sex during #nofap, #nonut, and porn recovery. We’ll go into semen retention and its […]
57 “Hall of Fame” Men Against Masturbation

“To fap or not to fap? That is the question.” Porn and masturbation are everywhere–comedy, music, TV, etc. and it seems like everybody’s doing it these days! In the world of “no-fappers” though (men who abstain from masturbation), you’ll find a shocking list of all-stars and real life superheroes. Who is and isn’t watching porn? […]
“I want to quit porn, but i also like it?!” – Your Questions Answered

Are you stuck in a cycle of wanting to quit porn, but also missing it? You’re not alone! A lot of people experience this, but there is hope! Porn recovery involves a lot of different emotions, but to successfully overcome it, you’ll have to understand these key concepts. With the video to get more tips […]