Fact Sheet: What effect does masturbation have on mental health?

When it comes to the science of porn and masturbation and the effect on our mental health, it can be hard to find conclusive information on the internet. While we receive thousands of reports from those who are struggling with porn addiction, and have seen first hand the negative impact it has on our clients […]
What Effect Does Masturbation/Ejaculation Frequency Have On Prostate Cancer Risk?

Mixed evidence exists about the correlation between masturbation and ejaculation frequency on prostate cancer risk. One study found that increased masturbation frequency in the 20’s and 30’s was a marker for increased prostate cancer risk.1 One of the largest studies on ejaculation frequency (this included sexual relations, not masturbation in isolation) is known as the […]
Is masturbation related to higher frequencies of sexual dysfunction?

Several sexual dysfunctions have been related to excessive or abnormal masturbation practices. Reports include hypoactive sexual desire disorder (no or low sex drive), retarded ejaculation (persistent difficulty or inability to ejaculate, especially from stimulation by a partner), and ejaculatory anhedonia (ejaculation without pleasure or orgasm). Retarded ejaculation often involves being unable to orgasm via intercourse […]
Yes, Men Have Hormonal Cycles Too!

The Research Some data suggest males average a 17% cyclic increase in testosterone every 20-22 days. Those cyclic periods ranged from 8-30 days and 9-28% of average testosterone levels in study participants. Evidence also suggests peak testosterone levels in males may be more likely on weekends or in 28-day full-moon intervals (among males trying to […]
How much pornography do adults consume, and how does it affect mental health?

Average internet pornography consumption was 75 minutes per week by males (which equates to about 10 minutes/day or 65 hours/year) and 17 minutes per week by females (15 hours/year) in a study of 832 adults aged 18-72 in 2016, and average use has been on the rise in recent years. In a 2020 study, 92% […]
How does our diet affect our hormones or sexual health?

Diet appears to have a definite effect on sexual function/dysfunction and hormones. Compared to other diets, a Mediterranean diet (fish, fats from olive oil, fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and whole grains) appears protective against erectile dysfunction in men and sexual dysfunction in women. Additionally, a Western diet (usually rich in red and processed meats, dairy, […]
How does pornography use affect youth?

The prevalence of pornography use by adolescents varies between studies, anywhere from 43% to 96%. The frequency of pornography use among adolescents appears directly related to the frequency of substance/drug use (50% higher odds of substance/drug use was associated with pornography use), casual sex behavior, sexual aggression, dating abuse, delinquent behavior, depression, condomless sex, early […]